Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Research Article Reading for Final 3/11/16

Image result for jesus jeans logo
Jesus Is a Brand of Jeans

Image result for jesus jeansIn a recent discussion of advertising, in the article by Jean Kilbourne “Jesus is a Brand of Jeans” a controversial issue has been whether ads manipulate our minds. On the one hand, some argue that they have been used to seeing the annoying inappropriate advertisement and most tune them out. From this perspective, these individuals are in denial or in the worst case, viewers are getting their fruit punch spiked by physiological tactics to the mind. On the other hand, however, others argue that they feel a connection with a product. In the words of Jean Kilbourne. One of this view’s main proponents, “We are surrounded by hundreds, thousands of messages every day that links our deepest emotions to products, that objectify people and trivialize our most heartfelt moments and relationships”.  Plenty of ads nowadays make the consumer endure a love connection with a product or brand. Companies spend lots of money investing in research studying our brains on what really most people want, which is love and love can be complicated with another mate, so ads strategize an emotional sell to a product that you can love and make you feel that love is more important than an actual human being. You leave a precious car in a garage or at your mother’s house for a long period of time (days, weeks, and months), but you could not to that with your wife or girlfriend. According to this view, the issue in today's daily environment is that advertisements create artificial needs as the people tend to buy a product only if it is showed or advertised on the television. In sum, then, the issue is whether you need to buy or have to buy.
The Standard way of thinking about the topic “Unnatural Passions” has it that humans become items to the minds and one another. Ads attack people’s self-esteem, creating a must to buy the product to make you feel better and become a self-advertising object to other people. These findings challenge the work of earlier advertisements researchers, who tend to assume that the lack of human relationships the consumer turns to a flashy product for passion, who in transition the customer becomes a product of a product. In result, people become addicted to a brand which could be a bad habit to shake off. Unfortunately, in the end, ads are creating what really matters in our society, it feels like they are inventing a new religion and you have to go out and buy something every Sunday praying it is on sale.

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